Monday, July 13, 2009

ECAU Strikes Back!

This is the new home for ECAU: East Coast Artists Unite!
We are a non-profit group of professional artists, aspiring artists, students and pop culture aficionados who occasionally meet up to hang out and draw in a friendly environment. Even if you don't draw, you can always hang out and talk smack about video games, movies, comic books, music, and anything else nerdy.

Meetings will start again in the NYC area soon...

If you're interested adding news and meets in areas outside of NYC, feel free to post up.

More information about ECAU can be seen below:

Q: What is ECAU?
A: ECAU is an acronym, or short name, for the East Coast Artists Unite.

Q: How long has ECAU been around?
A: It's been around since 1997, but it's only gotten more active in the last two or three years.

Q: What are ECAU meets & what goes on during one? ~Neggie
A: Meets are a chance to hang out, blow off some steam, think specifically about art and/or the things that get our creative juices flowing as well as discuss what projects we are working on and to talk about each others art. And on a side note discuss bad video games and muse on Tourist messing up New York. Sorata_K of *ZeroA & !Alpha2

Q: What is exactly is the point of ECAU? ~rsj
A: The point, as I see it, would be as the acronym suggests; East coast artists uniting. A way for like minded creative people in a closer more friendly environment than some of the other random ar communities to share their artwork, experience, or other forms of help from critiquing art to asistance in job hunting... as well as making it easier for people to band together and pWnZ0r the occasional art themed convention. Atleast that's what it's been for me over the years. I'd assume other people have their own ideas. !Alpha2

Note: If you have any questions as to what ECAU is about, or feel something should be more clearly defined, feel free to post here or send a note asking that question. As I'd prefer members be the ones answering the questions asked by other members, I'll post up the question for people to answer, and then post a reply here that forms a clear & agreeable response from what was given by members as an answer. Those answers will also form the guidelines I follow in whatever I do for the members of this group.
by ~goldenavatar

1 comment:

  1. Does this still exist? I'm in NY and would like to join. :>
